Saturday 28 March 2020

Amazonia por la vida Exhibition

Please notice:
Due to the current situation of the coronavirus pandemic,
I published my exhibition online.
March 28, 2020


Amazonia por la vida



Welcome to my Exhibition!

"Amazonia por la vida" is an art project of mine as support for Amazonia. I had ended my project prematurely in 2019 because of the more and more spreading burning rainforest in the Amazon region.

In my works I try to express the beauty and fragility of Amazonia, its biodiversity, its rivers, rainforests, plants , blossoms, animals, indigenous peoples, the guardians of Amazonia,
along with the pollution and contamination of water and earth, acts of arson, violence, the continuing brutal destruction of nature and the habitat, and the living conditions of the indigenous peoples, animals and the rainforest.

During my research I had learned more and more of Amazonia and had included additional issues in my concept. But I had to shorten the concept of my project in the last years several times.
Amazonia is so complex so unique in its biodiversity, that I cannot paint all animals, plants, and cannot create paintings to everything what has become close and important to me. 
But I will continue to create paintings in support of Amazonia.

My works shall speak for all those who can not speak and for those who are not heard, for the present and for the future of the indigenous tribes and their children of Amazonia, for all life in this beautiful part of Mother Earth.

Protecting the Amazon is essential. Not just because of its biodiversity. The rainforest has the greatest impact on the global climate and thus on all life on earth. The indigenous peoples live in harmony with nature. They are the best guardians of the rainforest and water. I ask you to support them and to support, defend, protect them against all hostility and violent attacks. - however you are able to do so.
We all need the rainforest, the green lung of planet Earth. For our life and for the life of our future generations!

My target was and still is to present my project work in exhibitions, as support for Amazonia. It would be great to show the exhibitions at places where many people can see it, seven days a week, without paying an entrance fee.
But the coronovirus came in-between.

Now you can stay in dialogue with my works here as often as you want and whenever.

I wish you an enjoyable encounter with my work.

Pit Becker paintmyblues

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Amazonia por la vida

1 Agua es vida, var. 1
2014, Acrylic paint, juice of the shells of walnuts, on paper, 35x27 cms

2 Cloud forest
15, 16 july 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 60x40 cms

3 In the depth of the rainforest
2017, MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 70x120 cms

4 Colibri
28 august 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 28,5x42 cms
Privately owned

5 Amazonia Rainforest, Varzea. Proteja nossas florestas!
2013/2014/2018, MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 80x60 cms

6 Amazonia Rainforest
2012/2013, MonotypePainting on paper, 78x139 cms

7 Leafcutter ants
2013 / 16 july 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 100x70 cms

8 Los rios son vida. Rivers are life
2017, MonotypePainting/Collage on canvas, 65x75 cms

9 Dolphins dancing
2014/2015, MonotypePainting on paper, 30x60 cms

           10 On the Amazon River, var. 1 of 9
          MonotypePainting, Collage
          on paper, 21x29,7 cms
11 On the Amazon River, var. 2 of 9
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 21x29,7 cms

12 What a beautiful day!
June / 2, 3 july2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 90x66 cms

13 Dois beija-flores
August 2018, MonotypePainting, felt pen, Collage on paper, 51x34,5 cms

4 Rivers, where the Amazon begins
(1 of 5),
August 2015, 2-4 november 2016
 MonotypePainting, Collage on paper,
21x29,7 cms
15 Rivers, where the Amazon begins
(2 of 5),
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper,
21x29,7 cms

16 Rivers, where the Amazon begins (5 of 5)
August 2015, 2-4 november 2016
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 21x29,7 cms

17 Rivers, where the Amazon begins
(3 of 5)

August 2015, 2-4 november 2016
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 21x29,7 cms
18 Rivers, where the Amazon begins
(4 of 5)

August 2015, 2-4 november 2016
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 21x29,7 cms

19 Birds in the Amazon rainforest
5 may 2018, MonotypePainting on paper, 30x30 cms

20 Two guards
14, 15 october 2012 / august, 30 september 2014,
MonotypePainting, juice of walnut shells, charcoal,
Collage on paper, 29,5x41,5 cms

21 On the Amazon River, var. 3 of 9
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 21x29,7 cms

22 On the Amazon River, var. 6 of 9
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 21x29,7 cms

23 On the Amazon River, var. 8 of 9
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 21x29,7 cms

24 Arson
2014 / 7 july 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms

25 Protect Amazonia, Var. 3
2013-2014, 8 parts (each 42x84 cms)
MonotypePainting on paper
168x168 cms

26 Map Rio Amazonas, Rio Xingu
September 2018,
felt pen, coloured pencil in sketch-book,59,4x38 cms

27 Amazonia, On the River, Var. 36
2014, MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 29,7x42 cms
Text added for online support

28 Agua es Vida! Water is life!
2013, MonotypePainting on paper, 21x28 cms

29 Three dolphins
2015, MonotypePainting on paper, three parts, each 60x30 cms

30 At the "Volta Grande" ("big bend") of the Rio Xingu,
home of endemic species.
July-September 2013
MonotypePainting, Acrylic paint on paper, 100x70 cms

31 Red flowers at the Rio Xingu.
Flores de resistência.
These flowers remember of all those humans who lost their life
for defending indigenous people and Mother Earth in Amazonia.
Flores de amor.
May 2014, 2015/2016
MonotypePainting on paper, 95x68 cms

32 Amazonia por la vida, Var. 7 (of 7)
Sábado 18 de junio 2016, MonotypePainting en papel, 67,5x53 cms

33 Flor ave do paraíso e dois Uirapurus.
Bird of paradise flower and two Uirapurus.
28 april 2017, 15-18 june 2019,
MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms

34 Rainforest
2017, MonotpePainting on paper, 70x100 cms
Privately owned

35 We do not want dams in the Xingu river!
We do not want dams in Amazonia!
2013, MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms

36 Guardians of the Amazon
2014, Acrylic paint, pastel crayon, graphite on paper
55x35,5 cms

37 Permanent threat at the Rio Xingu
Stop the crimes!
26 october 2012
Created for online support

38 #PAREbelomonte Não barragens na Amazonia! #STOPbelomonte
June 2013
MonotypePainting, computer text,
Collage on plexiglass plate, 70x98 cms

39 Countless animals live in Amazonia
2014, MonotypePainting, felt pen, Collage on paper, 84x68 cms

40 Toukans
24 july 2018, MonotypePainting on paper, 100x70 cms

41 Escape
Friday 17 july 2015
MonotypePainting, felt pen, Collage on paper, 29x42 cms

42 Two dolphins
2014/2017, MonotypePainting on paper, 21x28 cms

43 Squirrel monkey. Totenkopfäffchen.
5.2. 2015, 18.7. 2018
Acrylic paint, Collage on paper, 27,5x35,5 cms

44 Snake
14 junho 2018, MonotypePainting, Collage on paper
29x41 cms

45 El jardin de Yolima
30 september, 1-2 october 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 60x76 cms

Privately owned

46 Colibri, Variation
4, 13 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper
44x59 cms
47 Colibri, Variation
4, 13 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper
44x63 cms

48 Colibri, Variation
4, 13 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper
42x59.4 cms
49 Colibri, Variation
4, 13, 24 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper
42x59.4 cms 


50 Colibri, Variation
4, 13 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper
43x61 cms
51 Colibri, Variation
4 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper
43x61 cms

52 Colibri, Variation
4, 13 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper
43x61 cms

53 Colibri, Variation
4, 13 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper
43x61 cms
54 Colibri, Variation
4, 13 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper
44x63 cms

55 Anaconda e Toucan
Anaconda: 28 june, july 2019
Toucan: 28 june, 28 july, 14 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 2 parts, each 42x84,5 cms 

56 Burnt!
2012, MonotypePainting on paper, 60x80 cms

57 Oil pollution in the Amazon
2013/2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 53x73 cms

58 ¡Viva Yasuní!
2-9 y 13-14 noviembre de 2014, MonotypePainting en papel, 100x70 cms

Creado para el concurso "Despierta el Jaguar dormido" de YASunidos, Ecuador
en apoyo al Parque Nacional Yasuní en Ecuador
y seleccionado para la exposición grupo en Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Quito, Ecuador.

Created for the competition "Despierta el Jaguar dormido" by YASunidos, Ecuador
in support for the Yasuní National Park in Ecuador.
Selected for the group exhibition at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Quito, Ecuador.

59 OpalPath entre los ríos
(OpalPath between the Rivers)

2-12 y 16-17 de noviembre 2014,
MonotypePainting en papel, 100x140 cms

Creado para el concurso "Despierta el Jaguar dormido" de YASunidos, Ecuador
en apoyo al Parque Nacional Yasuní en Ecuador
y seleccionado para la exposición grupo en Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Quito, Ecuador.

Created for the competition "Despierta el Jaguar dormido" by YASunidos, Ecuador
in support for the Yasuní National Park in Ecuador.
Selected for the group exhibition at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Quito, Ecuador.

60 Una floración en la selva tropical
2017, MonotypePainting, Collage on paper
Privately owned

61 Amazonia, Colibri, Var. 3
Monday afternoon 28 august,
saturday afternoon 2 september 2017,
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper
29,7x42 cms

62 SOS Amazonia, Sloth.
9 june 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 14x37,5 cms


63 Respect the indigenous tribes! Respect the Uncontacted!
2, 3 july 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 48x72 cms

64 Threat. Violence. Murders of indigenous people
2014, MonotypePainting on paper, 50x70 cms

65 Heron
2015, june-september 2016,
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 63x47 cms

66 Blossoms that can not be seen from the forest floor.
MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 55x105 cms

67 Siete Mariposas
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2019
MonotypePainting, acrylic paint, felt pen, Collage on paper
86x54 cms on 100x70 cms

68 Rainforest blossoms, Var. 1
9 june 2019,
MonotypePainting on paper
19x24 cms
69 Rainforest blossoms, Var. 6
9 june 2019,
MonotypePainting on paper
26,7x27,5 cms

70 Rainforest blossoms, Var. 2
9 june 2019, MonotypePainting on paper
17,5x17,5 cms

71 Rainforest blossoms, Var. 3
23 july 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 19x26 cms

72 Rainforest blossoms, Var. 4
9 june 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 23x22 cms

73 In the Amazon rainforest
2019, MonotypePainting on paper
three parts, each 14,5x43 cms, on 45x43 cms

74 Rainforest blossoms, Var. 7
9 june 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 27x22,5 cms

75 She was there!
2013/2017, MonotypePainting on paper, 68x98 cms

76 Giant Otter
5 july 2019
Watercolour paint, coloured pencil, on paper, 30x30 cms

77 Rainforest life
11 may 2018, MonotypePainting on paper
three parts, each 25x70 cms

78 La última pelea de las garzas.
The herons last fight.
13 april 2018
MonotypePainting, acrylic paint, Collage on paper
13,8 x40 cms

79 Resistencia de la Colibris, Yasuní National Park
3,16 december 2016, 21, 22 november 2018
MonotypePainting on paper, 100x70 cms

80 Amazonia por la vida, Var. 5 (of 7)
Sábado 18 de junio 2016, MonotypePainting en papel, 67,5x53 cms

81 Red blossoms in the rainforest
domingo 29 abril 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper
Privately owned

82 created for online support

83 Again and again I worked in nature.
I was grateful that I could create works at this beautiful and peaceful place.

84 Amazonia
Sábado, domingo 20/21 setembro 2014
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 29,7x42 cms

85 Amazonia, Var. 24
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms

86 Amazonia, Var. 28
july 2015, september 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms

87 Amazonia, Var. 31
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms
88 Amazonia, Var. 32
2015, 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms

89 Amazonia, Var. 37
2015, 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms

90 Amazonia, Var. 21
juice of walnut shells, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms
91 Amazonia, Var. 11
july 2015
MonotypePainting on paper
29,7x42 cms

92 Amazonia, Var. 22
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms
93 Amazonia, Var. 15
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms

94  Amazonia, Var. 19
july 2015
on paper, 29,7x42 cms

95 Amazonia, Var. 16
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms
96 Amazonia, Var. 34
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms


97 Amazonia, Var. 36, On the river
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms
98 Amazonia, Var. 25
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms

99 Amazonia, Var. 14
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms
100 Amazonia, Var. 38
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms








107 Herons, unforgotten
13 april 2018
MonotypePainting, acrylic paint, Collage on paper, 29,7x42 cms

108 Encuentro. Begegnung.
Encounter Colibri, Guardian of the Amazon and frogs.
MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 60x90 cms

109 Map Rio Maranon, Rio Ucayali,
Rio Amazonas
September 2018
Coloured pencils, felt pen,
in sketch-book, 
37x38 cms
110 Map Rio Yavari, Rio Amazonas
September 2018
Coloured pencils, felt pen,
in sketch-book, 
33x38 cms

111 Map Rio Ica,
Rio Jutai, Rio Amazonas
September 2018
Coloured pencils, felt pen,
in sketch-book, 29,5
x38 cms

112 Map Rio Japura, Rio Jutai, Rio Amazonas
September 2018
Coloured pencils, felt pen,
in sketch-book, 59,4
x38 cms

113 Map Rio Purus, Rio Amazonas
September 2018
Coloured pencils, felt pen,
in sketch-book, 59,4
x38 cms

114 Map Rio Negro, Rio Madeira, Rio Amazonas
September 2018
Coloured pencils, felt pen,
in sketch-book, 59,4
x38 cms

115 Map Rio Tapajó, Rio Amazonas
September 2018
Coloured pencils, felt pen,
in sketch-book, 59,4
x38 cms

116 Map Rio Paru, Rio Jari, Rio Amazonas, Atlantic Ocean
September 2018
Coloured pencils, felt pen,
in sketch-book, 59,4
x38 cms

117 On the Amazon River, Colibri, var. 7 of 9
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 21x29,7 cms


118 River in the Amazon rainforest.
Domingo 11 february 2018
Acrylic paint in sketchbook, 59x38 cms

119 On the river.
2017, MonotypePainting, Collage on wooden plate, 38x32 cms

Privately owned

120 Varzea, Rainforest,
Wedenesday 18 july 2018, Acrylic paint, Collage on paper
71x55 cms

121 On the Amazon river, Var. 9 of 9
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 21x29,7 cms

122 One of the more than 10.000 rivers in Amazonia.
31 march 2015
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 33x47 cms

123 Dolphins
14 april 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 42x58 cms

124 Rainforest Amazonia
Acrylic paint on paper
17x25 cms
125 Somewhere deep in the rainforest
MonotypePainting on paper
32x52 cms

126 Toucan
12/13 april 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 54x61  cms

127 Rainforest
sketch, 2019, Acrylic paint, felt pen on paper, 29,7x42 cms

128 Friends. Two geckos.
2013, 2014, MonotypePainting on paper, 44,7x64 cms
Privately owned

129 Mariposa. Borboleta. Butterfly
5 july 2018
MonotypePainting, felt pen, Collage on paper, 29,5x42 cms

130 Encontro de duas borboletas
Domingo 14 july 2013
Acrylic paint, graphite, felt pen, Collage on paper, 32x44,5 cms

131 Mariposa
MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 55x70 cms

132 Waiting for food
25 julio 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 59x42 cms

133 Snakes meeting
2013, MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms

134 Wounded Earth
MonotypePainting on paper, 19x25,5 cms 

135 Birds struggle against oil pollution
24 october 2014
Acrylic paint on paper, 10,5x14,8 cms

136 Disappearances, dialogue
part 2 of 2
domingo 23 june 2013,
tuesday 29 july 2018
MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms
137 Disappearances, dialogue
part 1 of 2
MonotypePainting on paper,
70x100 cms

138 Amazonia, Biodiversity
2017, 6 parts
MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 80x120 cms

139 Arson
June 2016
MonotypePainting on paper, 15,3x21  cms 

140 Blossom
MonotypePainting on paper, 17,5x29,7 cms

141 Massacre
7 april 2018
Acrylic paint on paper, 21x29,7 cms

142 Iguana verde. Green iguana.
3, 4, 5 july 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 100x70 cms

143 Amazonia rainforest
August 2017
MonotypePainting on paper, 42x34 cms 

 144 Amazonia rainforest
September 2017
MonotypePainting on paper, 28x43,5 cms 

145 Amazonia rainforest
September 2017
MonotypePainting on paper, 33x41 cms 

146 Rio Amazonas
Saturday afternoon 21 april 2018
MonotypePainting on paper
16x12,5 cms

147 Amazonia, Variation
Saturday afternoon 21 april 2018
MonotypePainting on paper
21x29,5 cms
148  Amazonia, Variation
Saturday afternoon 21 april 2018
MonotypePainting on paper
17x24 cms

149 Tristeza
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 70x100 cms

150 Trees
Acrylic paint, coloured pencil on paper
21,2x27,7 cms

151 Respect the Uncontacted indigenous tribes!
2017, MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 65x55 cms

152 Amazonia, Var. 2
Colibri and blossom
saturday night 2 september 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms
153 Amazonia, Var. 6
Five waterbirds
saturday afternoon 2 september 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage
on paper, 29,7x42 cms

154 One reason
october, november 2014 / 2015 / august, september 2016
MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms

155 Mariposa
MonotypePainting/Collage on paper, 21x29,7 cms

156 A daughter of the Rio Amazonas, Var. 1 of 5
september 2012
MonotypePainting on paper, 43x69 cms

157 Something in common
2013, 2014, 201
MonotypePainting on paper, 100x70 cms

158 Deep in the rainforest
saturday/domingo 18/19 june 2016
MonotypePainting on paper, 34x21 cms

159 A daughter of the Rio Amazonas, Var. 4 of 5
september 2012
MonotypePainting on paper, 43x69 cms

160 After pollination
2013 / 23, 28, 29 june 2019,
MonotypePainting on paper, 100x70 cms

161 Mourning. Wounded Earth
MonotypePainting on paper, 28x35,5 cms

162 A daughter of the Rio Amazonas, Variation 5 of 5
september 2012
MonotypePainting on paper, 43x69 cms

163 Parque Nacional del Manú
june 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 40x50 cms

164 A few of the countless,
thousands of thousands of rivers in Amazonia
2013, 2014
Acrylic paint on paper, 73x146 cms
165 Water is life.
2017 (2013, 2014)
Further processing of the image No. 164.
Acrylic paint, MonotypePainting
on paper, 73x146 cms

166 Families
27, 28 july, 6-8 august 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms

167 Alegria y dolor
Joy and pain
june 2016, MonotypePainting on paper, 29x68 cms

168 Once upon a time in Amazonia?
19, 20 junho 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 48x66 cms

169 Working outside
at the abbey Neuburg, close to the City of Heidelberg, germany
Variations of works and texts with Amazon river names


171 Rio Amazonas, bird view.
domingo 15 april, uly-august 2012
MonotypePainting, oil crayon on paper, 74x147 cms

172 Map Ilha de Marajó, Rio Amazonas
september, october 2018
coloured pencil, felt pen in sketch-book
59,4x38 cms

173 Manati
2013, 25, 26 july 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms

174 Stingray
monday afternoon 23 july 2018
MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms

175 O jardim de corais da Amazônia.
The coral garden of the Amazon.
janeiro 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 59x78 cms

176 Silence
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 30,5x37,5 cms

177 Rio Amazonas
12, 30 april 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 80x59 cms

178 Dolphin
14 july 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 29,7x42 cms

179 In the rainforest
10, 11 june 2016
MonotypePainting on paper, 35x45 cms

180 Rainforest
3 december 2016
Acrylic paint, coloured pencil on paper, 33,5x24,8 cms

181 Blossom
april 2018
acrylic paint on paper, 17x23 cms

182 Em um pequeno parque em Belém do Pará. Há esperança.
In a small park in Belém do Pará. There is hope.
12 outubro 2018
MonotypePainting on paper, 21x29,7 cms

183 Linhas. Variação 1
MonotypePintura em papel,

inspirado em obras de cerâmica dos artesãos
da ilha do Marajó
29,2x59 cms
184 Lines, Variation 2
MonotypePainting on paper,
inspired by ceramic works by the artisans
from the island Marajó
28,5x62,5 cms

185 Varzea Rainforest
6, 7 july 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 63x44 cms

186 Linhas em amor
23 june 2013
MonotypePainting, 60x80 cms

187 Borboleta azul
15 july 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 100x70 cms

188 Jaguar
november 2014
Acrylic paint, graphite on paper, 29,5x41,5 cms

189 Amazônia e o poder do amor
Amazonia and the power of love
2 june 2016
Acrylic paint on paper, 23x28 cms
Privately owned

190 Baía de Guajará
10 mail 2018
MonotypePainting, felt pen, Collage on paper, 20,7x12,8 cms

Privately owned

191 Two dolphins
5 november 2014
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 11x15 cms

192 Waterfowl
13 april 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 25x32 cms

193 In the rainforest, variation 2 of 15
2016 / 22, 23 july 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 29,7x42 cms

194 Beija flor. Colibri
31 mayo, 1 junio 2017,
MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 35x35 cms

195 Chuva
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 40x30 cms

196 Borboletas na chuva
may, 9 june 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 35x45 cms

197 Dois borboletas de agua
junio 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 29,7x42 cms

198 Borboletas apaixonadas
abril, maio, 9 junio 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 29,7x42 cms

199 The night is near
sábado 2 junio 2012
Acrylic paint on paper

53x38 cms

200 Prayer for Amazonia
29 july 2018
MonotypePainting on paper

66x92 cms

201 Harpye
1 maio 2012, 15-17 junho 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 60x80 cms

202 What 'civilized' men left behind:
september 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper
45x64 cms

203 Three waterbirds
september 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper
29,7x42 cms

204 Under water
5, 6 july 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 60x80 cms

205 In the rainforest, Var. 9 of 15
Colhereiro-americano. Espátula rosada. Roseate Spoonbill
13 abril 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 29,7x42 cms

206 Blossoms and butterflies
24 october 2014
Acrylic paint, graphite, coloured pencil on paper,
29,5x41,8 cms

207 Amazonia, Biodiversity
6 parts; MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas,
80x120 cms

208 In my atelier, 2014

209 Still alive
30 september, 6 october 2017,
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 42x29,7 cms

210 when the pollution increases
13 abril 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on papaer, 19x27 cms

211 Rainforest
grateful for the gift of inspiration and painting!
MonotypePainting on paper, 48x60 cms

212 Amazonia rainforest
15 july 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 60x40 cms

213 In the rainforest
23 august 2009
MonotypePainting on paper, 29,5x42 cms

214 Rainforest
MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms

215 Guardians of the Amazon
2013, 2018, 27 june 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 70x100 cms

216 created for online support

217 in my Atelier

218 SOS Pueblo Shuar
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 19x12 cms
text added for online support

219 Contaminated river
MonotypePainting on paper, 12,3x50 cms
text added for online support

220 created for online support

221 created for online support

222 created for online support
In solidarity with the people at Standing Rock
who were struggling to protect the water

223 Rivers in Amazonia, part 1 of 3
MonotypePainting, acrylic paint on paper, 100x70 cms
text added for online support

224 Rivers in Amazonia, part 2 of 3
MonotypePainting on paper, 100x70 cms
text added for online support

225 Rivers in Amazonia, part 3 of 3
MonotypePainting, acrylic paint on paper, 100x70 cms
text added for online support

226 Environmental crimes
saturday/domingo 18/19 june 2016,
MonotypePainting on paper, 29,3x38,3 cms

227 created for online support

228 Rio Marié ... Rio Siapá.
Domingo 29 september 2013
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 42x59 cms

text "Water is life. Respect us!" added for online support

229 Get all up!
february 2014, september 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 146x70 cms

230 If the destruction of the Amazonia rainforest does not stop,
Rio will sink into the sea.
10, 11, 28 june 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms

231 Amazonia, Harpye.
31 may, 1 june 2017,
MonotypePainting, Collage on wooden plate, 36x32 cms

232 Amazonia
2014, 2017
3 parts, each 29,5x42 cms
Acrylic paint, pencil, on paper, 100x70 cms

233 Rainforest blossoms
2017, MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 20x30 cms

234 Far, far away from the "Civilized" world
20 august 2019, MonotypePainting on paper, 58,5x75 cms

235 Amazonia, Biodiversity
Acrylic paint, MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 85x120 cms

236 Rivers in Amazonia. Água é vida.
part 1 of 9
october, november 2016
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 27,5x35,2 cms

237 Rivers in Amazonia. Água é vida.
part 2 of 9
october, november 2016
Collage on paper, 27,5x35,2 cms
238 Rivers in Amazonia. Água é vida.
part 3 of 9
october, november 2016
Collage on paper, 27,5x35,2 cms

239 Rivers in Amazonia. Água é vida.
part 4 of 9
october, november 2016
Collage on paper, 27,5x35,2 cms
           240 Rivers in Amazonia. Água é vida.
part 5 of 9
october, november 2016
Collage on paper, 27,5x35,2 cms

241 Rivers in Amazonia. Água é vida.
part 6 of 9
october, november 2016
Collage on paper, 27,5x35,2 cms
242 Rivers in Amazonia. Água é vida.
part 7 of 9
october, november 2016
Collage on paper, 27,5x35,2 cms

      243 Rivers in Amazonia. Água é vida.
part 8 of 9
october, november 2016
Collage on paper, 27,5x35,2 cms
244 Rivers in Amazonia. Água é vida.
part 9 of 9
october, november 2016
Collage on paper, 27,5x35,2 cms

245 Inside the river
28 june, 23 july 2019
MonotypePainting on paper, 42x84,2 cms

246 Dolphin searching for clean water
14 june 2018,
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 42x56,3 cms

247 The end
(of one of the places, where environmental crimes and
crimes against humanity were/are planned)
and a new beginning.
28 july 2019,
MonotypePainting on paper, 72x48 cms

248 Toucan
12 july 2015
MonotypePainting, coloured pencil, Collage on paper, 27x21 cms

249 White birds
3 june 2017
MonotypePainting, Collage on canvas, 35x35 cms

250 Rainforest
MonotypePainting, Collage on cardboard, 177x118 cms

251 Rainforest
30 may 2016
Pastel crayon, water colour paint on paper, 21x29,7 cms

252 Respect us!
May 2018
Acrylic paint on paper, 29,5x37,5 cms

253 Amazonia mon amour
Terça-feira 4 setembro 2018
MonotypePainting, Collage on paper, 17x23 cms

Se você continuar rolando,
poderá ver mais algumas pinturas até a foto nº 256.
Si sigues desplazándote
se pueden ver algunas pinturas más hasta la foto No. 256.
إذا واصلت التمرير
يمكنك رؤية المزيد من اللوحات حتى الصورة رقم 256.
Si vous continuez à faire défiler
vous pouvez voir d'autres peintures jusqu'à la photo no. 256.
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si possono vedere altri dipinti fino alla foto n. 256.
If you keep scrolling
you can see some more paintings up to photo No. 256.

Pit Becker paintmyblues

Visual Artist, painter.

Born 1953 in Region Bergstraße, Germany.
Drawing and painting since my childhood.

1969 Training as a typesetter.
Activities: typesetter.
Drawing and painting since my childhood.

1969 Training as a typesetter.
Activities: typesetter.
design & layout, painter.

From 1975 onwards, permanent engagement
with painting and graphics.
Learning and experimenting with various artistic techniques,
e.g. woodcut, painting with acrylic, gouache, monotype etc.

1980 Painting became my second profession.
Solo and group exhibitions since 1983.
Regular artistic projects since 1990.
Workshops with children, young people and adults since 1994.

1995-1998 Freelance as Visual Artist, painter.

My artwork includes painting, drawing, collage, graphic,
on canvas, paper, wood, textiles etc.


About my MonotypePainting

While learning the classic monotype and experimenting
with different materials and tools, I had found something new.
It allowed me to express myself in a more versatile and
completely different way than before.
Since there is no name for this type of technique in the art world,
I named this part of my artwork MonotypePainting.
The combination of painting and monotype
in my artistic-workingprocess
allows me my largest-ever creative power of expression.

Single exhibitions (Selection):

Studiobühne, Fürth/Odw., 2010

Palmyra Publishing House, Heidelberg, 2010

Katholische Studentengemeinde Universität Mainz, 2003

Gallery club parterre, Löfflerhaus, Gotha, 2000

Schloß Kromsdorf, Kromsdorf/Thüringen, 2000

Technical University of Bingen/Rhine, 1998

City Library, Heidelberg, 1997

Caritas, Heppenheim/Bergstraße, 1995, 1999

Druckladen of the Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz, 1994

Dom St. Peter, Heppenheim/Bergstraße, 1993

Gallery Art Line, Clervaux/Luxemburg, 1993

Museum Heppenheim/Bergstraße, 1992, 199Z

Group exhibitions (Selection):

'Despierta el Jaguar dormido' (Wake up the sleeping Jaguar)
      Centro de Arte Contemporáneo,
Quito, Ecuador, 26 nov 2014 - jan 2015

      Darb 1718 Contemporary Art & Culture Center,
Cairo, Egypt, 2012

Galerie Treffpunkt Kunst, Angela Mahoud,
Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen, 2008, 2009

Jakobskirche, Weimar, 2002

Gallery Kleines Haus, Staatstheater Mainz, 1999

Gallery in the Cranach-Haus, Weimar, 1998

Gallery Kunsthaus Villa Benary, Erfurt, 1998

Mainzer Märchen“, Druckladen of the Gutenberg-Museum,
Mainz, 1997

Gallery Thurn & Taxis, Michelstadt, 1997

Gallery Ego Art, Mannheim, 1997

Gallery Saper Vivere, Darmstadt, 1996

'Art in black', `Schwarze Kunst`, Museum Michelstadt, 1996

'Gutenberg 2000', Kunstverein Eisenturm, Mainz, 1995

Druckladen of the Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz, 1995

'Beauner Platz'/Parktheater Bensheim, 1992

Online exhibitions (Selection):

- 'Amazonia por la vida', since March, 28, 2020

Artistic works on contract (Selection)

- MonotypePainting and Design of the Mainz Poster Poem No. 16, 1998.
Text by novelist Erich Loest, Germany,
„Stadtschreiber“ of the City of Mainz 1998.
For the City of Mainz.

- An Artistic front page of a newspaper, 1998;
for Linopress Publishing Systems GmbH, Eschborn.

- MonotypePainting and Design of the Mainz Poster Poem No. 15, 1997.
Text by novelist Friedrich Christian Delius, Germany,
Stadtschreiber“ of the
City of Mainz 1997. For the City of Mainz.

- Documentation of the interactive video-installation
'Biperception' by Carvien Shiu,   Hongkong,
for the
Museum of Heppenheim/Bergstraße

- Picturesque variations on a product logo,
MonotypePaintings, 1995-1996;
  for Knoll Deutschland GmbH, Ludwigshafen.

- Painterly and typographical dialogue with Bible texts,
nine MonotypePaintings, 1993;
for nine meditation walls
in St. Peter's Cathedral, Heppenheim/Bergstrasse.

Common projects

' When Syria has spring? '
Claire A. Poinsignon, journalist, France
and Pit Becker, painter, Germany. 2014

' Poème et peintures pour la #Syrie '
Claire A. Poinsignon, journalist, France
and Pit Becker, painter, Germany.

My public projects, Live (Selection)

ealized at the Druckladen of the Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz:

' Is art luxury? '
Variations of the theme, Monotype
Public talks with visitors, 1998

' Mainz Fairy Tales '
Design of the "First Mainz Fairy Tale Poster", 1997,
text by Markus Lindner (9 years old), Mainz.
Monotype, charcoal pencil, use of lead letters (mixed media).

' Poetry & Prose '
Variations, MonotypePainting and graphic art,
inspired by the novel 'The Bone People' by Keri Hulme
and by ‘Leaves of Grass’ by Walt Whitman.
MonotypePaintings, mixed media, graphic, 1994

Projects (Selection)

' Amazonia por la vida '
MonotypePaintings, drawings, collage, 2012-2019.
Further works have been created since 2019 until today,
and I will create more.

' Under the Skies of Syria '
MonotypePaintings, 2012-2013.

' #ENDsh ' (End sexuell harassment)
MonotypePaintings, June 2012

' Only 13 signs - Free Pussy Riot '
MonotypePaintings, collage, drawings, mixed media, 2012.

' My Poems Nightblue '
MonotypePaintings, 2011

' My Tahrir Diaries '
Drawings, sketches, collage, 2011-

' The Freedom of Colours '
MonotypePaintings, mixed media, collage, 2011

' Inspired by Music '
MonotypePaintings, inspired by Rock, Jazz and World Music, 2010

` Mi hija `
Dedicated to the Mothers of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Pastel crayon, 2009

' Amethyst '
Variations with the shade Amethyst, MonotypePaintings, 2009

' Making space '
Variations on "Making space",
the theme of the competition
at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2009.
MonotypePaintings. (Unsuccessful participation)

' La Tierra '
MonotypePaintings, drawings, 2008-2013.

' London '
MonotypePaintings, Acrylic Paintings and drawings, 2008-2011.

' Stars of Tradition '
inspired by the music album 'Introducing'
of the band Etran Finatawa, Niger, 2007.

' The Songs of the Stones of Weimar '
Paintings, graphic art, drawings,
inspired by the City of Weimar, Germany, 1998-2012.

' My Poems to the Sea '
MonotypePaintings and Acrylic Paintings, 1991-2012.

' Poetry & Prose '
MonotypePaintings, drawings, Mixed media,
Inspired by literature,
by e.g. Keri Hulme, Virginia Woolf, Pablo Neruda,
Walt Whitman, Arthur Rimbaud.
Since 1990

' Cosmopolitan signs '
Developing my own lettertypes.
Paintings, drawings, collage, since 1989.

Workshops (Selection)

' Drawing and Painting with children '
in a daycare centre for children
‘An der Modaubrücke’, Darmstadt-Eberstadt, 2007

' The technique of monotype '
With students and pedagogues at the Schuldruck-Zentrum
der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg, 1999

' Drawing and Painting with young people '
Two school-classes from Riesa and Osnabrück, Germany,
at the Gallery in the Cranach-Haus, Weimar, 1999

' Drawing and Painting with children '
at the Museum of Heppenheim/Bergstraße, 1997-1998

' The technique of Monotype '.
at the Druckladen of the Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz, 1994-2002

Media reviews / Film

- Video "Vocalising sexual harassment in Egypt" incl. the Harassment Exhibition
at Darb 1718 in Cairo, Egypt, by Al Jazeera English, 3 june 2012. via YouTube

- Video 'Pit Becker, a portrait of an artist',
directed by Mike Schröder, Mainz/Berlin,
realized at Pit Beckers atelier in Weinheim/Bergstraße, 1998

- Feature in the TV programme 'Thüringen Journal', mdr,
exhibition Schloß Kromsdorf, 2000

- TV programme 'Kulturcafé', SWR/Rheinland-Pfalz, 1998

- Interview, TV programme 'K3', Mainz-Rheinhessen, 1994

Video Clips

"paintmyblues" via YouTube.
Published 21 may 2017.
© 2017 by Pit Becker paintmyblues. PIT BECKER ARTwork.
All rights reserved.

Participation at Fairs
Deco-In Berlin, presented by the gallery Kunsthaus Villa Benary,
Erfurt, 1998

Public purchase of artistic works
City of Mainz . Museum Heppenheim/Bergstraße

254 Mon amour
2015 / april, may 2016
MonotypePainting on paper, 28x35 cms


First of all I want to thank two people for their generosity and appreciation. Birgitt and Klaus B., you made it possible for me to set up my studio. You gave me a home for many years and a place where I could work optimal - and the last seven years of this time on my Amazonia project. I am grateful for your gorgeous support! Thank you both so much!

Dear Günther, I am deeply grateful for all your great, wonderful support, for your appreciation and for your generosity! Thank you so much, that you had enabled me for decades, to buy my favorite colors and special papers to affordable prices. You always gave me the best advice with your professional knowledge. Without "your" colors I couldn't have painted most of my pictures like this! Especially with my Amazon project. "Your" colors gave me unexpected, diverse possibilities to express myself.
I had planned to show my "Amazonia por la vida" exhibition in Mannheim first. How I would like to have welcomed you and your wife Monika at the vernissage there! But it should not be, covid19 prevented it. And before I could publish my pictures online, I had to learn that you had passed away. You were always encouraging, you never gave up in your life. You were a wonderful human being. I thank you for all our encounters. Rest in peace!

My Thanks go to my dear friends, for your great appreciation of my work and for supporting my Amazonia-paintings online, since I published the first ones in 2012. Furthermore I like to thank you for your loyalty, for all our dialogues, for your words and opinions. It means very much to me. 
Muito obrigado Ana, Thank you so much Mike, Muito obrigado Angela, Thank you so much Sofia, Merci beaucoup Isabella, Thank you so much Bianca, Muchas gracias Yolima, Thank you so much Deeyah, Shukran jazeelin Lina, Shukran jazeelin Liliane, Shukran jazeelin Noha, Pilamaya Vivian, Merci beaucoup Madeleine, Merci beaucoup Claire, Shukran jazeelin Zeinobia, Tausend Dank Monja, Thank you so much Lainy, Shukran jazeelin Rasha, Muchas gracias Maria Louisa, Thank you so much Jeannie, Shukran jazeelin Yara, Shukran jazeelin Nadia, Muito obrigado Mariana!

Shukran jazeelin my dear Lina! Despite your disease you took time, even from hospital, to speak to me. Your words encouraged me always. You lived it: never to give up!!! I am deeply grateful for your appreciation of my Amazonia project and my artwork. You passed away so early, but you live on in our memory and in our heart! Rest in peace!

Thank you so much dear Terry, Nikolia, Lainy, Corinne, Monja, Rasha, Harald, Mona and Rita, for always being interested in my project work, for your appreciation, for your opinions, suggestions, informations, for all your manifolded great support!

Merci beaucoup cher Isabella, for your appreciation and your support of my Amazonia project, for your words of encouragement and for inspiring my work!

Thank you so much my dear Bianca, for your appreciation of my paintings. Your opinions and supporting words mean much to me. You gave me encouragement and hope also in difficult times. You inspired my paintings in different ways! Thank you so much!

Muchas gracias mi querida Yolima for your beautiful and inspiring photographs from your blooming garden and from Venezuela, for your great interest in my paintings, for your loyalty, for your permanent great support and for your great appreciation, for inspiring my work!

Obrigado muito my wonderful and beloved Ana! You are always interested in my artwork and in my project work, you supported me with research, provided me with photos and informations about Amazonia, You told me about your childhood at the Rio Amazonas, about the mangueiras and the Baia de Guajará and so much more ... I am deeply grateful to you for keeping me inspired, for your encouragement, for all your great support and for let me smile even in hard times, for all our dialogues, for your loyalty and for loving my paintings!

Without you all, my dear friends, my project would not be what it has become!
I am deeply grateful to you all.
I bow to you all, thank you so much everyone!

Much Love to you all! Stay healthy and safe!!


255 Dedicado a Ana
No rio Amazonas
On the Amazon River
Domingo, 15 de março de 2020
modelando argila, modeling clay

256 In my old beloved atelier
where I created most of my Amazonia paintings
except those whom I created outside in nature.

Muito obrigado muito pelo seu interesse e por tomar o tempo.
Eu ontinuo para criar pinturas em apoio da Amazônia.
Que você fique saudável e seguro!
Muchas gracias por su interés y por tomarse el tiempo¡
Sigo creando pinturas en apoyo a la Amazonía.
¡Que te mantengas saludable y seguro!
شكرا لك على اهتمامك وأخذ الوقت.
أستمر في إنشاء الصور لدعم الأمازون.
قد تبقى بصحة جيدة وآمنة!
Merci beaucoup pour votre intérêt et votre temps.
Je continue à créer des peintures en supportde l'Amazonie.
Puissiez-vous rester en bonne santé et en sécurité !
Grazie mille per il tuo interesse e per il tempo dedicatoci.
Continuo a creare dipinti a sostegno dell'Amazzonia.
Possa tu rimanere sano e al sicuro!
Thank you so much for your interest and for taking time.
I continue to create paintings in support of Amazonia.
May You stay healthy and safe!

Pit Becker paintmyblues


All artwork, photos, text published on this page:
Copyright © 2020, 2023, 2024 by Pit Becker paintmyblues,
PIT BECKER ARTwork. All Rights Reserved.