Solidarity with the Tunisian rapper Weld El 15
sentenced to two years in prison by the Tunisian justice for the video
of his song "Boulicia Kleb" expressing about police violence.
updated 28 June 2013
My solidarity with Weld El 15
Free Weld El 15
"S'il vous plaît signez la pétition
pour la libération sans conditions de Weld El 15, rappeur Tunisien de 25 ans;
condamné à deux ans de prison pour une chanson."
Please sign the petition for unconditional release of Weld El 15, Tunisian rapper 25 years,
sentenced to two years in prison for a song.
The Freedom of Expression is a Human Right!
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Channel Lina Ben Mhenni
via @YouTube
For more info about WELD EL 15 #Sayeb 15 feel free to view
by Lina Ben Mhenni, Tunisia
and follow her on twitter @benmhennilina

Information to these important books:
"INDIGNEZ VOUS!" by Stéphane Hessel,
Indigène éditions, Montpellier France.
"VERNETZT EUCH!" by Lina Ben Mhenni.
Deutschsprachige Ausgabe bei Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH, Berlin.
Französische Originalausgabe: "Tunisian Girl - Blogueuse pour un printemps arabe", Indigène éditions, Montpellier France.
For more info and for support WELD EL 15
follow and please use the hashtag #Sayeb15 at twitter.
Copyright © by Pit Becker paintmyblues,
PIT BECKER ARTwork, 2013. All Rights Reserved.