updated 23 august 2014
Down With Egypt's Protest Law
infos, updates:
YES, I am Against Military Trials for Civilians!
Mahienour El-Massry
"Justice for Mahienour, Who Seeks Justice for All"
published 6 march 2014, The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy
by Rasha Abdulla, Cairo
The 19th "Ludovic-Trarieux" Human Rights Prize 2014
awarded to
Mahienour El-Massry, Egypt
« ... detained during the eras of Mubarak and Morsi,
as well as during the current era of al-Sissi ... »

I am against military trials for Civilians, Var. 1, 2013
MonotypePainting/Collage, 42x29,7 cms
Yara Sallam
"CCHR Alumna Receives Africa Human Rights Defenders Award"
by University of Notre Dame, the Center for Civil & Human Rights
Sanaa Seif
"Sanaa Seif and a generation that protects the revolution"
by MADA MASR (at twitter: @MadaMasr)
Mahienour El-Massry
"Justice for Mahienour, Who Seeks Justice for All"
published 6 march 2014, The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy
by Rasha Abdulla, Cairo
The 19th "Ludovic-Trarieux" Human Rights Prize 2014
awarded to
Mahienour El-Massry, Egypt
« ... detained during the eras of Mubarak and Morsi,
as well as during the current era of al-Sissi ... »

Yara Sallam
"CCHR Alumna Receives Africa Human Rights Defenders Award"
by University of Notre Dame, the Center for Civil & Human Rights
Sanaa Seif
"Sanaa Seif and a generation that protects the revolution"
by MADA MASR (at twitter: @MadaMasr)
"Justice for Mahienour, Who Seeks Justice for All"
published 6 march 2014, The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy
by Rasha Abdulla, Cairo
The 19th "Ludovic-Trarieux" Human Rights Prize 2014
awarded to
Mahienour El-Massry, Egypt
« ... detained during the eras of Mubarak and Morsi,
as well as during the current era of al-Sissi ... »

I am against military trials for Civilians, Var. 1, 2013
MonotypePainting/Collage, 42x29,7 cms
Yara Sallam
"CCHR Alumna Receives Africa Human Rights Defenders Award"
by University of Notre Dame, the Center for Civil & Human Rights
Sanaa Seif
"Sanaa Seif and a generation that protects the revolution"
by MADA MASR (at twitter: @MadaMasr)
"#Egypt: Arbitrary Arrests and Detention of Women Human Rights Defenders"
by Nazra for Feminist Studies, Egypt (at twitter: @NazraEgypt)
by EIPR, Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (at twitter: @EIPR)
"التظاهر = 15 سنة سجن"
by Group No to Military Trials for Civilians!
(at twitter: @NoMilTrials)
additional info, updates for support:
> http://freeyara-freesanaa.net/
> https://www.facebook.com/freemahienour/
by Nazra for Feminist Studies, Egypt (at twitter: @NazraEgypt)
"Rights Groups: Fabricating Charges for Peaceful Protesters and Rights Defenders Continues"
http://eipr.org/en/pressrelease/2014/06/23/2134by EIPR, Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (at twitter: @EIPR)
"التظاهر = 15 سنة سجن"
by Group No to Military Trials for Civilians!
(at twitter: @NoMilTrials)
additional info, updates for support:
> http://freeyara-freesanaa.net/
> https://www.facebook.com/freemahienour/
> https://ar-ar.facebook.com/freemahienour
> http://www.facebook.com/freealaa2013
use the following hashtags at twitter:
#NoProtestLaw #FreeMahienour #FreeAlaa #FreeYara #FreeSanaa ...
The names of the detainees are:
Yara Sallam, Sanaa Seif, Salwa Mehrez, Nahed Sherif (known as Nahed Bebo),
Hanan Mostafa, Samar Ibrahim, Fekreya Mohamed (known as Rania El-Sheikh)
Ibrahim al-Saeed, Ahmad Samir, Mohamed Miza, Islam Givara, Ahmad Oraby, Islam Oraby,
Moataz Mansour, Karam Mostafa, Mohamed al-Beyali, Mostafa Ibrahim, Yasser al-Qott, Mohamed Moftah,
Mohamed al-Araby, Mahmoud Hesham, Moamen Radwan, Islam Abdel Hamid
use the following hashtags at twitter:
#NoProtestLaw #FreeMahienour #FreeAlaa #FreeYara #FreeSanaa ...
The names of the detainees are:
Yara Sallam, Sanaa Seif, Salwa Mehrez, Nahed Sherif (known as Nahed Bebo),
Hanan Mostafa, Samar Ibrahim, Fekreya Mohamed (known as Rania El-Sheikh)
Ibrahim al-Saeed, Ahmad Samir, Mohamed Miza, Islam Givara, Ahmad Oraby, Islam Oraby,
Moataz Mansour, Karam Mostafa, Mohamed al-Beyali, Mostafa Ibrahim, Yasser al-Qott, Mohamed Moftah,
Mohamed al-Araby, Mahmoud Hesham, Moamen Radwan, Islam Abdel Hamid
Saturday 21 june 2014
International Day of Solidarity with Egyptian Detainees
Use the unified hashtag:
Justice for all, 20 june 2014
(details of a MonotypePainting, 100x70 cms)
Freedom for Mahienour ElMasry, Alaa Abd El Fattah
and all political prisoners in Egypt!
Free Alaa, 12 jan 2014, MonotypePainting, 80x60 cms
Logo NoMilTrials: Copyright © by NoMilTrials group, Egypt.
All rights reserved by NoMilTrials group.
All rights reserved by NoMilTrials group.
Release Alaa Abd El Fattah And All Unjustly Detained In Egypt
published by GlobalVoices ADVOCACY Defending Free Speech Online
Freedom for Alaa Abd El Fattah & Ahmed Abd El Rahman
and all political prisoners!
jan 9, 2014
Freedom to Ahmed Abdel Rahman and Alaa Abdel Fattah
No To Military Trials for Civilians
http://youtu.be/p4syNJ7XxQU by tahrirDiaries via @youtube
Freedom to Ahmed Abdel Rahman and Alaa Abdel Fattah
No To Military Trials for Civilians
http://youtu.be/p4syNJ7XxQU by tahrirDiaries via @youtube
Activists Alaa Abdel-Fattah, Mona Seif receive suspended jail sentence
There is a butterfly . . .
Butterfly, 2013 / 12 jan 2014, MonotypePainting, 70x100 cms
This painting is dedicated to Mona Seif (aka @Monasosh at twitter).
Social segments against military trials for civilians
by tahrirDiaries via @youtube
I am against military trials for Civilians!
WHY? Because I am a Civilian
and I do NOT accept, in no case, NEVER,
to be taken to a military court!
No Civilian should be taken to a military court!
Our human rights must be respected!
Military trials for Civilians must stop, worldwide!
Pit Becker @paintmyblues
Visual Artist, Painter
Copyright / Sources:
Logo NoMilTrials:
Copyright © by NoMilTrials group, Egypt.
All rights reserved by NoMilTrials group.
Copyright © by NoMilTrials group, Egypt.
All rights reserved by NoMilTrials group.
Courtesy of NoMilTrials group, Egypt.
Copyright paintings and photos © by Pit Becker paintmyblues,
PIT BECKER ARTwork, 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Shkukran, NoMilTrials-Group!
My special thanks go to Rasha Abdulla, Cairo.