updated oct 2, 2014
This blog is created by Pit Becker paintmyblues as a support to protect the Amazonia region.
The paintings are created by me. An Exhibition "Amazonia" is planned.
September 2014, MonotypePainting / Collage. 42x29,7 cms
For further information about the rainforest, the rivers, the indigenous tribes,
the plants and animals, about life in Amazonia and its destruction and genocide
I added some links to articles/press release/videos.
Amazonia birds rising.
September 2014, MonotypePainting / Collage. 42x29,7 cms
El petróleo amenaza pueblos amerindios
http://bit.ly/1sXGTlA by DW espanol,
24 sept. via twitter by @Yasunidos, Ecuador

There are still works in progress.
Genocidio En La Selva, #Yasuni:
Documental Discovery Channel en Espanol
24 sept, via twitter by @Yasunidos, Ecuador
Defend the Amazon region
against destruction!
May 12, 2014, MonotypePainting/Collage, 100x70 cms
Resistance, defend Amazonia!
- dedicated to the Indigenous Peoples in Amazonia,
and to Verena Glass and Erwin Kräutler -
May 8/9, 2014, MonotypePainting, 68x94 cms
Boletín de prensa Yasunidos
Quito, 30 de abril de 2014
by Yasunidos, Ecuador
Justiça ordena que Norte Energia cumpra condicionante
de Belo Monte para proteger Terras Indígenas
by Movimento XINGU Vivo para SEMPRE, Brasil
Publicado em 15 de abril de 2014
Bianca Jagger:
Deadly Sins in the Brazilian Amazon
Published 04/16/2013, The World Post/The Huffington Post
There are still paintings in progress.
Bianca Jagger:
The Belo Monte Dam: An Environmental Crime
Published 06/21/2012, The World Post/The Huffington Post
December 24, 2013
Voices of Xingu: Xikrin Kayapó Courage

In September 2013 I worked at a lake where I created collages.
December 21, 2013
Amazon Watch:
The Battle of Belo Monte
All about the third largest dam in the world
Source: Folha de S.Paulo
Defend Amazonia, July-August 2013
MonotypePainting, Collage on plastic plate, 98,5x70 cms
Stop the Belo Monte Dam! October 2012-2013
Acrylic/Collage in sketchbook, 55,5x35,5 cms
It's up to everyone of us,
to speak out and to defend Amazonia,
to defend the Amazonas River, the Xingu River ...
to defend every river in Amazonia ...
to defend all creatures who live in Amazonia,
all the indigenous tribes, all the animals and plants ...
to defend all life in this beautiful part of Mother Earth,
this planet's largest tropical rainforest.
Water is life.
PARE Belo Monte, STOP Belo Monte, June 3, 2013,
Graphite, coloured pencil and pastel crayon, drafts in my sketchbook.
The Movie (English)
http://youtu.be/vnMD4e6nLms by Damocracy TV via YouTube
"Look what you are doing to my people. For the love of God. ...
Brazil refuses to show respect.
This is an affront to humanity. An affront to nature. ...
We shall not give up our rivers! ...
We have to unite. Definitely, that's the word: Unite.
And we have to continue to fight.
People need to understand that they hold the power.
We employ the government.
The government works for us.
We call the shots in this country.
They have to comply with our wishes.
That the Amazon is preserved, and our rights are respected!"
Source: DAMOCRACY the movie (english) by Damocracy TV
Amazonas I, 2012,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
Inspired by poem "Amazonas" by Pablo Neruda,
part of "Canto General", published 1950.
Nota de soliddariedade dos Kayapó à ocupação de Belo Monte
by Movimento XINGU Vivo para SEMPRE
Published May 31, 2013
Follow Movimento XINGU Vivo para SEMPRE on Twitter: @xinguvivo
homepage Movimento XINGU Vivo para SEMPRE: xinguvivo.org.br
Amazonia, 2013,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
URGENT: "We will die. We will not leave without being heard."
v @AmazonWatch
published May 29, 2013
Follow Amazon Watch on Twitter: @AmazonWatch
homepage Amazon Watch: amazonwatch.org
Amazonia, detail, 2013,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
Brazilians Denounce Dirty Belo Monte-Euro Connections
v @AmazonWatch
published May 1, 2013
Amazonia, detail, 2013,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
Brazil tribes occupy hydroelectric dam project
by Channel AlJazeeraEnglish via YouTube
published June 28, 2012
Amazonia, detail, 2013,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
'The Future We Want'
by Bianca Jagger via HuffPost Green
Published June 27, 2012
Follow Bianca Jagger on Twitter: www.twitter.com/BiancaJagger @BiancaJagger
Amazonia, detail, 2013,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
BELO MONTE - Concentration Camp in the Rainforest - censured information
Channel leleuch via YouTube
published April 10, 2012
Amazonia, detail, 2013,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
A Last Stand for the Xingu
Channel AmazonWatch via YouTube
published June 1, 2011
Amazonia, detail, 2013,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
Defending the Rivers of the Amazon,
with Sigourney Weaver
Channel AmazonWatch via YouTube
published August 29, 2010
Amazonia, detail, 2013,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
The Xingu River and Its People
by @AmazonWatch

Amazonas II, 2012,
MonotypePainting on paper, 147x74 cms.
Inspired by poem "Amazonas" by Pablo Neruda,
part of "Canto General", published 1950.
Defend Amazonia
the largest tropical rainforest on earth
October 27, 2013
Collage in sketchbook, 35,5x55,5 cms
Xingu Vivo, Brasil
Stop the Belo Monte dam, salve o rio Xingu
at twitter @xinguvivo
Yasunidos, Ecuador
Unión de jóvenes, artistas, organizaciones y demás personas, para
al Parque Nacional Yasuní y sus comunidades indígenas, del
at twitter @Yasunidos
Human Rights activist
Founder & Chair of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation
at twitter @BiancaJagger
Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch works to protect the rainforest and advance the rights
of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin
at twitter @AmazonWatch
Copyright © by Pit Becker paintmyblues,
PIT BECKER ARTwork, 2012, 2013, 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Vielen Dank, Claudia, für die Aufnahme der See-Fotos!